Location/Job Title Scrubber
A location scrubber and a job title scrubber that work in a similar way to the name scrubber.
It seems for the job title scrubber ignoring anything coming after and:
a comma, a hyphen, a colon or semi colon and a vertical line (like this | ) would be very handy.
Comments: 3
15 Apr, '20
TimmYes please! Currently, the location placeholder is useless. It will pull city, province and country. I would love to end my messages with something like "greetings to Amsterdam" . This would come super handy as it gives the message a more personal touch.
By using the _LO_ placeholder right now it would show "greetings to Amsterdam, Netherlands" – which obv was sent by a bot. -
02 Jul, '20
joseph wilkins MergedPlease, please please add a feature to remove "LLC" "INC" or other suffix's from a company name in the variable data of the drip messages. Nothing worse or more impersonal than sending a message that says "Hey John.. I think Company LLC is amazing" - it's an obvious sign that you are using variable data. You've done it for first name, please do it for company name.
10 Feb, '22
gilesdux Admin"Scrub a company name like you can with a first name" (suggested by joseph wilkins on 2020-07-02), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.