Add _CI_ option for merging City name only
The _LO_ (location) merge is a very useful one for personalization, however, pulling the entire metro location with country is too robotic and would never be used. Instead of “Nashville Metropolitan Area, Tennessee, United States”, a _CI_ option that only includes “Nashville” would allow for this to be naturally used in a connection request.
Comments: 7
06 Jun, '19
Mark North MergedWhen using the text in Visit & Connect, I used the location part "_LO_" but it says the location as "London, United Kingdom". Can it not just say the city? Having the country after the city is unnatural. Maybe have an option for CITY and/or COUNTRY, but to have it full like that makes it looks like a robot. See attachment for an example...
26 May, '21
gilesdux Admin"Using the Location _LO_ within a connection request" (suggested by Mark North on 2019-06-06), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
17 Sept, '21
Peder MergedMake sure the Location marker _LN_ pulls only the city and not the state and country otherwise it's obvious you are getting a message from a bot, which makes it impersonal - and goes against the personable messages we want to send.
20 Sept, '21
gilesdux Admin"Markers" (suggested by Peder on 2021-09-17), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
29 Sept, '21
Matt MergedHi Guys,
The purpose of merge fields is to create a personalized message that doesn’t look “automated”. Unfortunately, your LO merge field when it includes “United States” raises a “red flag” and looks like an automated message.
Please resolve this issue by simply creating a merge field that just merges and pulls the “city” not the country. This obviously looks like an automated message and destroys the potential of building a relationship with the connection.
Please advise, -
12 Oct, '21
gilesdux Admin"Include a merge feild for just for the "city" by itself not the country (this looks suspicious)" (suggested by Matt on 2021-09-29), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
14 Jan, '22
Mike HendricksIt'd be great when using _LO_ if the output was just the City, State and removed United States or the Country name. Thanks.