Option to disable automations on 3rd degree connections
Especially for auto-invites it would be great if DS was able to skip sending connection request when auto-visiting a 3rd degree connection.
Comments: 5
30 Nov, '19
Matt JYou can do this by adding the relationship filter on your LinkedIn search, just select 2nd degree only.
30 Oct, '20
Marco D'Ambrosi MergedSeparate sending connections request to 2nd or 3rd degree connections during visits using LinkedIn or Sale navigator. If I had the ability to send to only 2nd degree connections, then I could have a warmer personalised message saying "we have a mutual connection and thought…………". Once those connections are accepted, you do it again to the new connections who will have other new mutual connections.
Even better (and a challenge for you) if in a personalised message to a 2nd degree connection you could reference the mutual connection's first name. If there is more than 1 mutual connection the system could choose the one with the highest Sales Navigator seniority level. -
24 Nov, '20
gilesdux Admin MergedYou can filter your search results in LI or SN by what degree you are connected so you should already be able to do this. The mutual connection name would involve opening additional information and there would be too many variables to make this reliable.
10 Dec, '21
Chris MergedI disagree with the issue with variables on mutual connection. It's just a matter of scraping the names of the mutual connections from the search-page. You could even just take the first name, like "Steve Jobs" - so I could make a message like "Hi XX, I see you also know Steve Jobs", etc.
11 Feb, '22
gilesdux Admin"2nd degree connection requests only" (suggested by Marco D'Ambrosi on 2020-10-30), including upvotes (2) and comments (2), was merged into this suggestion.