Undo enroll a porfile to a campaign
It would be nice to have the option to undo when you "enroll" someone in a campaign.
Comments: 4
15 Jul, '21
Patrice MergedIf a prospect is, e.g. accidentally, enrolled to the wrong drip campaign it is removable from this wrong drip campaign (by marking on or many and removing bulked) and able to enroll in the right drip campaign.
24 Feb, '22
Michael Simpson MergedLove the bulk campaign enroll feature. However, PLEASE could we have a reverse feature for a bulk unenroll. Two reasons: 1) if you enroll lots of people into a campaign by mistake; 2) if the final stages of a campaign become redundant / things change. For example, I might be running a campaign with the final step that talks about running workshops in Russia! I would want a fast way of STOPPING the campaign.
06 Apr, '23
gilesdux Admin"BULK UNENROLL" (suggested by Michael Simpson on 2022-02-24), including upvotes (2) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
06 Apr, '23
gilesdux Admin"Unenroll Prospects from Drip Campaign" (suggested by Patrice on 2021-07-15), including upvotes (3) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.