Current Top Suggestions
Company scan function
Scanning companies like profiles and save their name and website data.
Scan data from Linkedin Poll results
Scan data from Linkedin Poll results
Please add the number of shared connections to the scan profile data.
Please include a field in the scan data csv file to capture the number of shared connections.
Tag profiles while scanning (daily visit limit doesn't go down)
Currently if you want to tag a profile you have to visit it (and your 100 daily visits limit go down)
My proposal is to tag profiles when you scan them, this way the ...
Scan Followers in gives a list with all my followers - I would love to scan this list including
Name / LinkedIn-Link / #ofFollowers - all ...
Extract connection degree during profile scan
At the moment connection degree is only extracted during profile visit, not profile scan.
This combined with LinkedIn's Sales Navigators 2nd/3rd degree connection ...
Implement Re-Scan to Retrieve Degree (Connection Status)
1) Implement Re-Scan of uploaded visited data. Just like Re-Visit, only with scanning.
2)Add DEGREE to the data returned from a scan.
This will let a user update ...
Scanned Profile
Would be good if we can also include education + start and end date of education in scanned profile options.
Scrape Linkedin Profile Image URL
Hi all Duxsoup Dev Team and Users!
Just thought about this: how about scraping Linkedin Profile picture URL (if present) in the search results (not requiring ...