Current Top Suggestions
Remove Tags During Auto Visiting
The ability to remove tags while auto visiting
Add the ability to see untagged contacts.
As it is now, the tagging feature is just 50% useful.
Tagging the cancelation of the invitation
In order to control who we already invited and who we cancel the invitation for future action or eventualy new invitation
Tag profiles while scanning (daily visit limit doesn't go down)
Currently if you want to tag a profile you have to visit it (and your 100 daily visits limit go down)
My proposal is to tag profiles when you scan them, this way the ...
Enable tagging in drip campaigns
Drip campaigns can apply system tags to profiles. We as users normally don't see the system tags, BUT it would be great to have the ability to apply selected tags to ...
Filter tags + connection degree.
Being able to send message on two criteria : connection degree AND Dux-Soup Tag
Tag based on a variable in Revisit list
I would like to tag on visits using a variable from my revisit list, say I have a field in the CSV with industry sector data e.g. Finance, Retail, Logistics etc ...
"My Tags" visible in the .csv file after using "Scan Profiles" function
There already is "My Notes" column visible in the .csv file, so why not also have "My Tags" there? I'm using tags function constantly and it'd be really helpful to ...
Automatically tag new contacts with a configurable tag
It would be great to have 1st degrees tagged with a tag, which all 1sts have. This in order to make a search in the pool of people who have a certain tag AND are 1st ...
Saved combinations or preferences for the tag search tool
Hi, I spoke with Will about this request on a support call on Oct 31st.
Can we please have the ability to create and save standard, or 'favorite' preferences for ...